Tuesday 4 August 2015

Top 10 WordPress Interview Questions and Answers

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1. What is WordPress.
WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System) based on php and mysql. Its free and open source blogging tool. Its now most popular blogging tool on internet network.

2. What is current version of WordPress.
The WordPress 3.5.2 version released in June 2013.

3. What are the features of WordPress.

Simplicity, make WordPress very easy to use for everyone.
Free open source.
Easy to install.
There are lots of free as well as paid theme to use.
Extends with plugins, we can extends the functionality of wordpress using thousands of free plugins or will create any plugin according to your requirements.
Multilingual, wordpress is available on more than 70 languages.
Multisite, create a child website along with the parent site with the same URL and admin panel.
Flexibility, with wordpress you will create any type of blog or website.
Comment, the built in comment system also make wordpress popular as you can comment your views on website.
Full standards compliance, XML-RPC interface, easy importing, cross-blog communication tools.

4. What is the default prefix of wordpress tables.

By default prefix of wordpress is wp_ . But for security reasons it is highly recommend to use different prefix.

5. How can you backup or import your WordPress content from admin panel.

For import content from wordpress admin panel goes to:-

WordPress admin -> Tools -> Import

This will create a xml file for your posts, comments, category etc.

6. Tell some commonly used functions in wordpress.
Wordpress have lot of inbuilt functions. some of commonly used function in wordpress are:-

wp_nav_menu()  :- Displays a navigation menu.
is_page() :- Condition for check if page is displayed. Its return true or false only.
get_the_excerpt() :- Copy the excerpt of the post into a specified variable.
in_category() :- Tests if the specified post is assigned to any of the specified categories or not.
the_title():- Displays the title of the post.
the_content():-  Displays the contents of the post.
for more functions, click here

7. What are hooks in wordpress.
Wordpress hooks allows user to create or modify wordpress theme / plugin with shortcode without changing the original files. There are two types of hooks:

Action Hooks
Filter Hooks
Action Hooks :-  Action hooks are points in wordpress core where its possible for outside resources to insert additional code.

For example- wp_head() , the_post(), get_sidebar() is an action hook which is used by most of themes. To hook an action, create an hook in your function file and hook it using add_action() function.


add_action( 'wp_head', 'head_func' );

function head_func () {

echo "
This is test


Filter Hooks :- Filter hooks are used to handle output like using it you will add an text or content at end of content of your post. You will add an filter using add_filter() function. There are various filter used in wordpress as the_title(), wp_title(), get_the_excerpt(), get_to_ping(), attachment_icon().

For example:- Using these filter we will add content add end of posts.

<?php add_filter( 'the_content', 'head_func' );

function head_func( $content ) {

if ( is_single() ) {

$content .= '
This is test
' . " ";


return $content;


8. What is file structure in wordpress.
The main files used in wordpress are:-

index.php :- for index page.
single.php :- for single post page.
page.php :- display the static pages.
category.php :-  Display the category page.
archive.php :- For archive page display.
tag.php :- For display the tags page.
author.php :- For display author page.
search.php :- For display the search result page.
404.php :- For display 404 error page.
taxonomy.php :- For display the taxonomy archive.
attachment.php :- For managing the single attachments page.
header.php :- For managing top part of page.
footer.php :- For manage bottom part of pages.
9. What are the template tags in wordpress.
A template tag is code that instructs WordPress to “do” or “get” something. Like in header.php  we will use the tag bloginfo(‘name’) to get information from user profile.

The the_title() template tag is used to display the post title.

wp_list_cats() are  for display categories.

get_header() for getting header.

get_sidebar() for display the sidebar on page.

get_footer() for get the footer content on page.

10. What are the custom fields in wordpress.
We will add extra information to your post by using custom fields. Custom Fields are a form of meta-data that allows you to store arbitrary information with each WordPress post.

Meta-data is handled with key/value pairs. The key is the name of the meta-data element. The value is the information that will appear in the meta-data list on each individual post that the information is associated with.

To display the Custom Fields for each post, use the the_meta() template tag.

To fetch meta values use the get_post_meta() function.

For example we use custom fields:-

ID, ‘key’, true); ?>


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